in a variety of roles, including as delivery driver (medium rigid tray truck) and as the storeman.
The storeman role had me liaise with project managers and suppliers, manage PPE, lifting
and safety equipment, and fabrication consumables inventory. As the storeman, I
coordinated all outgoing contracted transportation with clients and project managers
including loading and unloading trucks via forklift and overhead crane. I established record
keeping, documentation and trace-ability processes for incoming and outgoing goods as
the storeman, with new lines of communication with production and project managers as
goods are receipted.
• Extensive experience in customer
facing and customer service roles
• Structural steel supply, fabrication,
installation • Extensive experience in the application
of first aid in emergency situations
• Use of inventory and production
management IT systems • Inventory and consumables
management and budgeting
• Drafting and detailing of structural steel
from engineering and architectural